Shakira M. Brown to Present at InfoSec World 2019 Cyber Security Conference at Disney Contemporary R
Although Cybersecurity is on the radar of senior executives and boards of directors, there is still not enough budget allocated to truly man

Innovate by Encouraging Effective Listening
Good listening skills take time to develop, but the investment pays off for teams in form of producing innovative ideas. Set listening...

Communication Keys to Building a Rapport
Managers and leaders of companies small and large rely on these three elements of communication as they build and maintain strong bonds...

Is a Mission Driven Business Right for You?
Do you own a business and have a passion for making a difference? You are not alone. A 2014 Nielsen Doing Well by Doing Good survey found...

Money for Money: Advice for Gaining Access to Capital for Your Business Idea
Even a business leader with the best fleshed out idea is likely NOT to obtain money for their idea without having their own capital or asset

Multi-Industry Reading is Fundamental for Any Business Leader to Advance
By reading or listing to information outside your industry there are lessons to be learned from how other industries and professionals handl

Celebrity Chefs Fail Too! Don’t Believe Your Own Hype
If customers don't like how your widget works - this is your fault. If prospects don't understand why they should buy from you - thi

Digital Marketing Trends from 2017 You Will Need to Remember in 2018
Time flies and seasons change, but one thing remains an absolute constant … your need to follow trends to keep your business competitive....

The Start-Up Entrepreneur's Must Have To-Do List
Do you have enough funds for first year living expenses?
Grants/ Loans/Financing?
Do you have a clever Business Name?
Register the domain na

Build a Brand for Success with Proper Positioning
So what’s in a brand? If you are running a business you must know the answer to this question. Branding can be simply as “allowing you...