Celebrity Chefs Fail Too! Don’t Believe Your Own Hype
If customers don't like how your widget works - this is your fault. If prospects don't understand why they should buy from you - thi

Build a Brand for Success with Proper Positioning
So what’s in a brand? If you are running a business you must know the answer to this question. Branding can be simply as “allowing you...

Understanding Real Estate Brand Equity for Real Estate Agents and Brokers
A strong personal brand helps real estate agents build relationships, maintain customer loyalty, and most importantly grow your business. Mo

The Personal Branding Lesson from the 2016 Presidential Race Every Business Owner Needs to Know
I’m certain that most people will agree that there are many lessons to be learned in how the 2016 presidential election has played out...

5 Reasons Why Coaching Might Be What Your Small Business Needs
Is it time you took on a business coach? No matter how successful your small business, no owner has all the answers. But knowing when to...

Why Muhammad Ali Was the Greatest at Public Relations and Branding
Muhammad Ali once quipped that he said he was the greatest before even he knew he was. His chants about being “the greatest of all time”,...

Try This Formula for Success
“Success” means different things to different people, and so no single formula would seem guaranteed to help everyone achieve it. But...

How Trust & Respect Ultimately Defined Prince’s Brand
The world lost a great musician recently in the sudden death of legendary musician Prince. The genre and gender-bending musician, has...

Why You Should Be Interested in the Business of Branding
Whether starting up your company or looking to re-brand, educating yourself on the importance of branding can ensure that, in this...

Top 4 Branding Tips Every Small Business Owner Should Know
Branding can be elusive for some small business owners. It is important to understand what it really is so you can leverage it. Take...