5 Reasons Why Coaching Might Be What Your Small Business Needs
Is it time you took on a business coach? No matter how successful your small business, no owner has all the answers. But knowing when to look for outside help – and who from – is a challenge in itself. I can tell you this small business owners often don’t spend enough time thinking about where their business is going, as opposed to the urgency of the day job. I counsel small business owners for a living and there is no question that entrepreneurs need to spend more time working on their business, not in it. Here are some ways working with a coach and support your business goals.
Build your confidence
Whether or not you have a team around you, running your own business can be lonely. There is no one to turn to when the chips are down or to reassure you that you are on the right path. When I help small and medium-sized business owners, I often help them see where their businesses can go. I help pull out what is in your head. The result is they start to see what the opportunities are for their business.
Change your outlook
I find that some entrepreneurs start their business out of a passion but that doesn't necessarily mean you know how to RUN a business. That is where coaching comes in. Understanding your business value allows you to sell with the intent to make money and not just because you "LOVE" to do what you are doing.
Focus your business
From identifying new markets to turning your attention to your most profitable product or customer base, the objective view of a business mentor can be just what’s needed to get your company out of a rut or take it to the next level. That outside perspective might be just what you need to take your business to whole other level.
Make marginal gains
Success in business is often about making incremental improvements across the board. Sometimes it's just the simple things you’re probably ignoring or think you’re in control of. It’s not until you get things down on paper and discuss it that you start identifying areas that need TLC.
Working with a business or marketing coach forces you to DEAL with the stuff you don't want to DEAL with. If you think you are ready for coaching. Let's talk soon.
About the Author:
Shakira M. Brown is a 13 time award-winning PR and Marketing expert and the Managing Principal and CEO of SMB Strategic Media LLC (http://pradviser.net), a boutique communications firm specializing in providing affordable public relations, branding, content development, social media management and search engine optimization for small and middle market businesses. Her firm also offers three month One-on-One Private Intensive Brand Coaching to small business owners wishing to take their brands to the next level afford ably. Shakira, also known as The Small Biz Whisperer and hosts a weekly podcast titled, the Moment Masters Show available on iTunes and Google Play. She is also the co-founder of Growth & Success Con, a one day conference premiering in March 2017 featuring over 20 small business experts to help small business learn the skills they need in one place. For more information visit http://growthsuccesscon.com.